Sunday, June 22, 2014

India From Midnight To The Millennium

Author: Shashi Tharoor
ISBN13: 9780143103240
Edition language: English
My Rating: 4.5/5

If you like non-fiction and can read about India and its political history from a 400 pages book then this book is for you. Its largely written from the view point of an expatriate Indian, a Keralite and that of a Hindu. It was quite surprising for me as I never thought of Shashi Tharoor having such a patriotic inside view of India as he had spent most of the time outside it. Even when he speaks about Kerala its as if he has first hand experience of it.

His writing is very convincing. Each issue is talked about with accuracy and certain places he takes sides too. He always has proper explanation for his stance and expresses it openly.

What was more surprising about this book is that there is a lot of Indira Gandhi bashing and in some places Congress bashing also in it. Now, this was some thing that I never expected from someone who belonged to the same party. And this is what has elevated Shashi Tharoor's place in my mind. He is not criticizing anybody without a reason.

I really did like this book but reading non-fiction that too history is not that easy. I had gotten bored in between because of the genre this book belonged to and not because of the book in itself. The book is very well written.